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Part of MY world :)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Anti: Smoking

The objective of this add was to connect with young smokers in a way that wasn't preachy, that helped smokers find a reason to quit. If even one statement strikes a chord, positive or negative, that may bring smokers one step to quitting.
I simply loved those posters .
This post is dedicated to my dad who stopped smoking recently but he didn't leave the hubbly bubbly I hope he will soon :)


  • seems we got it both at a time!! I've just posted such a post on my Blog, but seems there's a problem in my feed with Jordan Planet, I've 3 posts that didnt get to Jordan Planet!

    By Blogger nasimjo, at 9/24/2005 6:27 AM  

  • Is t the same thing?? i wonder actually i have been trying to post this since 2 days but each time something happens to prevent me you cant imagine how happy i was that is posted at the end :D really i was starting to changing my mind about posting it coz things happened were ubelievable. as if everything in the whole world was preventing me from doin this post :P i felt so

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/24/2005 7:35 AM  

  • But u did finally ....



    SMOKING MUST BE BANNED EVEN IN LADIES WCs at schools & Universities :P


    By Blogger nasimjo, at 9/24/2005 8:40 AM  

  • Well that if you can call it WC i call it smoking room if i get inside for a second a get out fully loaded with smoke i say YUCK.It must banned i agree

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/24/2005 8:55 AM  

  • I was planning to post an article related to smoking but for some reason I decided to postpone it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/24/2005 9:48 AM  

  • Sc Post it and it would be like anti smoking Jordan planet day :P

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/24/2005 10:07 AM  

  • i like the posters too they are definitly creative ways to get the message across. but i am afraid there will still be ppl who dont care either way no matter what u do

    By Blogger Phantom of the Blog, at 9/24/2005 1:21 PM  

  • oh yeah and congratulations to ur dad that takes a lot of will power

    By Blogger Phantom of the Blog, at 9/24/2005 1:21 PM  

  • Nice blog :)

    By Blogger Tololy, at 9/24/2005 1:48 PM  

  • Norhan thx i wish he will quit it all i mean the hubbly bubbly:)
    Tololy welcome to my blog and thx ;)

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/24/2005 1:50 PM  

  • I think the middle east needs a huge anti smoking campaign. Young people pick up smokes as easy as they can buy candy.

    Anyway, nice adds :)

    By Blogger x, at 9/24/2005 3:24 PM  

  • Omar You said it right we do have smoking problem in the middle east :(

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/24/2005 4:21 PM  

  • Powerful massage we have to do what ever we can to spread the knowledge.
    All over the world people stop... just stop don’t smoke it not a joke
    Smoke can kill you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/24/2005 6:08 PM  

  • My father smokes,my mother, my sister, and my brother (hubbly bubbly), all my uncles, and one of them died from smoking, my partners, and friends they all smoke..... I used to smoke, actually I was a heavy smoker, just slowly killing myself, and then I STOPPED. I really wish to have anti smoking campaign at least here in Jordan, for the sake of all the ones we love and care about.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/24/2005 11:16 PM  

  • The question is always How to quit, actually I have a lot of reasons to quit, but what about the enjoyment of smoking? it's killing me, I love it

    By Blogger Madi, at 9/24/2005 11:39 PM  

  • Ice i agree we have to have it around the world but especially in the middle east you can't imagine how many people do smoke, even kids of 14yrs do smoke?
    Asfour Same here everyone around me do smoke. But who can help us with the campaign i am ready to volenteer ??
    Jad you can do it:) i don't see any fun or enjoyment with smoking to the opposite and i an asure you its annoying to non smokers

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/25/2005 12:48 AM  

  • Mira & SC ... seems we got it all togather in here..! we all had the idea of posting sth anti smoking.. SC plz do publish it..

    Jad ya galbee... enjoy Falafel Abu Tafesh, enjoy Shawermaa el mar7oom abu samer,enjoy reading the divinci code, enjoy the virtual checks on GTA Vice City on ur companies Win-Box, enjoy riding an urban bus, enjoy going on a date with a girl u never met (or 1 u met if u have a Girlfriend), enjoy PHP 5 & Apache 2 on a Fedora Core 4 Box,enjoy shell scripting, enjoy flipping the radio,enjoy turning all the Java applications u created into 3D using J3D, enjoy Sleeping with the breathing option enabled (since its disabled by default being a smoker) enjoy THE ONE total home experience, enjoy Prime Megastore... esh kaman beddak, for GODS SAKE QUIT SMOKING!

    thank god that none of my parents do smoke Hubbly bubbly,cigarates are more than enough!

    By Blogger nasimjo, at 9/25/2005 2:28 AM  

  • kinzi here

    These are great. After losing BOTH parents to smoking related cancers two years ago, I'll talk to any young person who will listen to stop. Tell young girls how ugly your facial skin gets, it might help, since lungs don't show.

    UNICEF has a funded program to help people stop smoking, and it works. The clinic's phone number is 562-6874 ask for Dr. Hibba Iyuub.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/25/2005 10:49 PM  

  • Kinzi thx for the infor;) and welcome to my blog. Btw i am sorry to hear about your parents may God bless their souls.

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/26/2005 10:54 AM  

  • Mira (are you part Slovak?) I've enjoyed your blog for some time now!

    Thnx for the good wishes. Good news is that God DID bless my mom's soul...after a lifetime of near-atheism (and 24 years of prayers from me) she came to faith in Jesus Christ 3 days before her death. Her face was angelic as she met Him. As far as Dad, no last minute miracles, but God is merciful. God bless you too! kinzi

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/27/2005 1:27 AM  

  • May God bless them and bless us all:)

    By Blogger M!R@CHK@, at 9/27/2005 1:32 AM  

  • I like those monochrome pictures, I dunno how do they do it

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10/14/2005 4:56 AM  

  • Smoking near children is child abuse. Smokers who do so are child abusers.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/04/2005 5:43 PM  

  • The beauty of having a free country is that I can choose not to smoke if I don't want to. Don't you hate that people CAN choose to smoke? Did you know that Hitler was not only the first large scale anti-tobaccoist, but the first anti-gun campaingner as well? You keep good company.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/30/2006 12:38 PM  

  • I vote for non-smoking too. I did it and I hope other people could also do it, what I DO is sharing some personal experience in my blog here health-care-notes.blogspot.com

    By Blogger Alex Health, at 11/24/2006 7:40 AM  

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