Happy today :)
OH yeah i guess i feel happy today even though i didnt do well in my exam. I guess the mean reason behind that is that we ( me and nis) went to woodworks and asked them if we could take out summer training course there. We didnt talk to the main manager directly but one of the sales he went upstairs for 5 mins asked him and came back down telling us the good news that the manager is a bit busy cant meet us now coz he has some visitors but he said we are almost accepted we ony have to meet the manager after a week from today :)
FINALLY i feel different and more mature coz i am almost 20 years now (less than a week:P). There is only one year left and i'll graduate , i just cant waitfor that day 2 come. I just want to end the university nightymare as soon as possible and face real life as a designer ( you cant imagine how nice it is to be called a designer) AND I AM GOING TO BE CALLED ONE SOON YAHOOOOO
Thank you God for everything and i also would like to thank my family :)
FINALLY i feel different and more mature coz i am almost 20 years now (less than a week:P). There is only one year left and i'll graduate , i just cant waitfor that day 2 come. I just want to end the university nightymare as soon as possible and face real life as a designer ( you cant imagine how nice it is to be called a designer) AND I AM GOING TO BE CALLED ONE SOON YAHOOOOO
Thank you God for everything and i also would like to thank my family :)
cool congratualtions
i always thought you were a designer
and happy early birthday ur so llucky ur almost done iam still in my first year........
and what is woodworks? sorry i am so clueless
Phantom of the Blog, at 5/19/2005 11:15 AM
I wish u all the luck:))) and Happy Birthday salfan:)
Ghalia, at 5/19/2005 12:42 PM
Thx Eman i wish u the best as well :)
Oh Nurhan that was sweet of u 2 say . well i am glad i on the last steps :) hope u continue the road of education 2 reach the highest levels :)Woodworks is an international interior design office and they sell gr8 furniture as well :)
Ghalia i wish u all the luck as well:)
Thx all 4 the early birthday wishes :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/19/2005 2:15 PM
excited about turning 20? heh! wait until you hit 21, it is downhill from there...
jameed, RPh, MS, at 5/19/2005 4:20 PM
I can't wait till I get to the point you just go to..
Congrats, good luck, and happy b-day salaf.
x, at 5/19/2005 4:32 PM
Hahahaha jameed when u c me u will change ur mind when i am 30 i will look 20 :P
Omar one day u will and u will remember me ;) and thx 4 the wishes it was sweet of u :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/19/2005 5:13 PM
Hey Mira err... DeSiGnEr,
good to hear that ur hapy...CONGrats.......
and yeah....wishing you a great B.Day!!!!
Anonymous, at 5/20/2005 3:42 AM
Hey thx ashwin :) its a bit early 4 my birthday but thx anywyas :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/20/2005 6:51 AM
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