I had my jury today atlast it was perfect better than i expected :D they didnt find anything wrong or ugly in my project so they started telling me the good sides i am so happy with my progress ;) so here some pics of my project :)
Dedicated to nader 4 helping me when my file had any kind of errors :)

mani me2tene3 ella min fo2 bibalchou :P
Anonymous, at 5/04/2005 9:20 AM
Good work, well a better word would be COOL :D
I know it wasn't easy.
My love story, at 5/04/2005 9:43 AM
Thx nader its wasnt easy at all :)i am glad u like ;)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/04/2005 9:49 AM
Good work mira, it looks nice:)
Ghalia, at 5/04/2005 10:04 AM
wow mira that is awesome. you are so talented at this. great work and meet elf mabrook!
Linda, at 5/04/2005 10:21 AM
Thx ghalia and linda :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/04/2005 10:30 AM
Great work Mira :) I really enjoyed it! I love how you did the rendering.. Hehe, its cool to have someone who is in the same field. I'm really glad you did well! I can see why :) You didn't have to make a model?
We had a jury yesterday ourselves, and I also did great :D
Roba, at 5/04/2005 11:00 AM
Hey roba the rendering was in markers i am glad u like it. ya its very cool i like it very much 2 have someone who share the same major:)thx roba i am glad u like it and happy 4 ur jury:)
we have one model in the end 4 the 2nd project which is an exhibition 4 jotun i guess that would be more interesting :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/04/2005 11:12 AM
wow... very nice ...
i love spaces in offices ... and the simplicity in tables ..
nice design ...
good luck ... :)
Anonymous, at 5/04/2005 12:42 PM
wow... very nice ...
i love spaces in offices ... and the simplicity in tables ..
nice design ...
good luck ... :)
Anonymous, at 5/04/2005 12:42 PM
Thx ibrahim :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/04/2005 12:54 PM
that is really awesome i always knew u were creative and talented
Phantom of the Blog, at 5/04/2005 5:59 PM
Thx nurhan well i guess i am on the 1st step of being creative :) and this is nthn compaired 2 the projects if students in eygpt ( my prof is eygption btw) they r just very amazing i even thought i am not a designer at all compaired 2 them :( thx nurhan again :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/04/2005 11:07 PM
thats cool stuff all the way....jeezzz u got TALENT....
do u dabble with fusion as well..
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 12:43 AM
Hahaha i guess i do :P u can ask my friends about that :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 1:05 AM
and may I ask who ur friend are?
LOL ;-)
I was thinking bout the fusion of east & west in your work....
Jordan sure has some spectacular architecture ....PETRA sigh.....
Was soo close to Petra but just could not make it...
In fact, I was even in Amman in Jan. but did not get to go outside the airport ROTFL.....
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 1:40 AM
Oh i was in a hurry wanted 2 go 2 uni (but changed my min last min) so read ur words smthn else which has nthn 2 do with wat u meant: P anyways well u cant find such things here in jordan such offices r rare here 4 some reason????!!! but we have clusters and they do sell some here in Jordan but never saw an office arranged like the my prof wanted which make it very hard on us 2 creat smthn we don’t have a background about so i used the internet 2 get some pics of abroad offices just 2 get into the mood of how an office can be designed! i really believe as a designer u have 2 live in a similar project 2 be able 2 design another one .That’s y design is not only lines on a paper or figures in real, each line has a deep meaning behind it coz the designers language is though the lines as a customer u may not digest all the lines but u have 2 understand the concept. If everything was clear 2 the receiver of the design then I failed as a designer.
Back 2 ur question it has a bit of both I gathered some info from offices all over the world but I am living in Jordan so 4 sure that has an effect on my design ? did I ans ur question or not yet?
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 2:15 AM
Well as much as I have noticed,I see the fusion in color and may be its not a conscious effort from ur side. Always observed that people in the east have a strong affinity to bright colors...
I believe colors are all about expression... and emotional as we folks from east are, we tend to add a dash here and a splash there..
Well I am not designer, I a
GEEK all the way with a tad bit of advertising genes mixed in my being ;-). So always am attracted to designs and colors.
"did I ans ur question or not yet?"
hmm...thats a good question :p , infact u did more than just that LOL....
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 3:46 AM
r u salahedin again or someone else?anyways it doesnt matter well i had 2 use some bright colours anywyas coz its a paint company :Pans most of the colours i used came out of the company logo red blue orange with steel 2 make it post modern and gray as a neutral colour as well :P
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 3:59 AM
In fact the shade of blue that u have used (for pillars) is used all over my office....but I wish I had those glass like in ur design enclosures instead of white concrete...
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 4:22 AM
Salahedin --> ashwin (this is my real name)
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 4:24 AM
well glass is not practical 4 offices thats y i covered it with the jotun partitions so dont feel bad about it :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 4:25 AM
oh ic i always thought ur salahedin :P
never heard iof the name btw
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 4:26 AM
not really sure why glass is not practical?
just see this building
Look at the structure ICICI bank(inverted D) joining the two structures (thats the directors room ;-) ). That was my office for sometime. There was a pool in the 7th floor of the building where directors would have pool side parties. I 've seen the pool never the party ;-( LOL
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 4:36 AM
You might just want to refer this response I put in your blog introducing myself :P
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 4:42 AM
Well i know ashwin that many office building have curtain walls and i personally like it very much but what i meant its not practical in offices coz it causes many reflections on the computer screens as we both know no office lacks computers . but still in my project i had this partition 2 solve the problem i didnt hide the entire window nor allowed all its light in its not practical but it can be solved as u c :P nthn is imporssible in the world of design here comes creativity:P
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 4:52 AM
frankly I liked ur designs very much..
and yeah concur with what you have to say about reflection part.
I am no designer to understand the nitty-gritties of the trade, but sure do understand the effort involved...comming up with this kind of design is fundamentally even benyond my WILDEST FANTASY (atleast for now ;-) )
so does this project mean ur days as student are over? r u all set for job now?
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 5:09 AM
Thx 4 the compliments :) well no i am still 3rd yr and still learning :) this summer i will have 2 have practical training 2 be able 2 graduate next yr. Btw i am working on a new project jotun exhibition this one will be more creative,fun and very interesting :) i am looking 4rwd 2 finish this term and start practical trainning in the summer :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 5:16 AM
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M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 5:16 AM
hey thats cool....
and ur welcome ;-)
wishing u the very best....
take care....hv fun.
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 5:21 AM
Thx ashwin wish u the best as well :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 7:28 AM
I wish the ones that designed my work building would have asked you :) It looks great !
fefe, at 5/05/2005 11:11 AM
hehehe thx fefefe :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/05/2005 12:08 PM
Mira, this looks great! You are really talented, Keep up the good work :)
Dina, at 5/06/2005 3:27 PM
Thx dina :) thats sweet of u :)
M!R@CHK@, at 5/06/2005 3:28 PM
Hehehehe flying boy thx alot u made my day :D
M!R@CHK@, at 5/14/2005 1:12 AM
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